Links for Further Study

Links to the Future

Links to the Present

Links to the Past

On this site you will find links to resources that concern the future technologies and concepts that will mold what is coming to this world.

Additionally you will discover current news of discoveries and breakthroughs that are happening now and which represent milestones leading to the future changes.

Finally, you will also discover links to some of the more hidden elements of past history that we feel are worthwhile for you to ponder as the guiding hand of Intelligence can be sometimes glimpsed in this manner.

Read, listen and learn.

Links to the Future

"Prolific inventor and outrageous visionary Ray Kurzweil explains in abundant, grounded detail why -- by the 2020s -- we will have reverse-engineered the human brain, and nanobots will be operating your consciousness. Kurzweil draws on years of research to show the speed at which technology is evolving, and projects forward into an almost unthinkable future to outline the ways we'll use technology to augment our own capabilities, forever blurring the lines between human and machine."

Aubrey de Grey, Ph.D., biogerontologist from Cambridge, provides a fairly short presentation that explains exactly how aging can be reversed and ended through modern medical breakthroughs such that those alive today may be able to live for hundreds and even thousands of years.

The Foresight Nanotech Institute
Foresight is the world's leading think tank and public interest institute on molecular nanotechnology.

Frequently Asked Questions - Nanotechnology
This FAQ can give you a quick overview of the changes being planned with molecular nanotechnology.

Engines of Creation - free download
In 1986 this book by MIT scientist Eric Drexler revealed his vision of the coming revolution through molecular nanotechnology.

Dr. Ralph Merkle on Nanotechnology
Computer scientist and electrical engineer, Ralph Merkle offers a wide range of articles and links to the world of nanotechnology.

Richard Feynman's 1959 lecture on nanotechnology
"There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom" - The transcript of the classic talk that Richard Feynman gave on December 29, 1959 at CalTech.

Nanotechnology: What Will It Mean?
Dr. Merkle offers a quick overview of the advances and coming changes we can expect from molecular nanotechnology.

The monitoring, repair, construction and control of human biological systems at the molecular level, using engineered nanodevices and nanostructures.

Geron Corporation
World leader in the development of human embryonic stem cell-based therapeutics with spinal cord treatment expected to be first such product.

Unraveling the Secrets of Human Longevity
This scientific and educational website contains over a hundred of scientific and reference documents relevant to longevity and aging studies.

The First Immortal - free download
One of the most meticulously researched scientific novels ever written that presents a balanced, and at times frightening, yet ultimately optimistic view of the possibilities of human science and philosophy.

The Extropy Institute
"The Extropy Institute pioneered the multidisciplinary discussions of future technologies and their social context, and remains a highly valued force in that field." — Aubrey de Grey

Simply the best futurist site in existence.

The Law of Accelerating Returns
A critically important concept to understand to explain the reason why the future is rushing towards us faster and faster.

What Is the Singularity?
The Singularity refers to the idea that accelerating technology will lead to superhuman machine intelligence that will soon exceed human intelligence, probably by the year 2030.

Mind Uploading
Dedicated to the putative future process of copying one's mind from the natural substrate of the brain into an artificial one, manufactured by humans.

Parallel universes, the Matrix, and superintelligence
Physicists are converging on a "theory of everything," probing the 11th dimension, developing computers for the next generation of robots, and speculating about civilizations millions of years ahead of ours, says Dr. Michio Kaku, author of the best-sellers Hyperspace and Visions and co-founder of String Field Theory.

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Links to the Present

Researchers produce reversal of skin aging in mice
Researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine have reversed the effects of aging on the skin of mice, at least for a short period, by blocking the action of a single critical protein.

Researchers have brought a dead animal heart back to life in the lab by repopulating it with healthy cells, a feat they believe may someday allow them to grow new hearts and other organs for people for transplants. No more rejections. You will grow your own organs.

Body parts are being grown in the laboratory and being successfully transplanted into patients right now!

Here is the recent CBS "60Minutes" coverage on "Growing Body Parts":

A South Korean biotech company is now offering to clone dogs for $150,000. This is the second commercial venture offering to clone mammals for a fee. As the technology matures the price will increasingly come down.

A new science is changing the way doctors think about death itself.
"But if the cells are still alive [after many hours without oxygen], why can't doctors revive someone who has been dead for an hour? Because once the cells have been without oxygen for more than five minutes, they die when their oxygen supply is resumed. It was that "astounding" discovery, Becker says, that led him to his post as the director of Penn's Center for Resuscitation Science, a newly created research institute operating on one of medicine's newest frontiers: treating the dead."

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Links to the Past

Vampires, Burial, and Death
In this engrossing book, Paul Barber surveys centuries of folklore about vampires and offers the first scientific explanation for the origins of the vampire legends. From the tale of a sixteenth-century shoemaker from Breslau whose ghost terrorized everyone in the city, to the testimony of a doctor who presided over the exhumation and dissection of a graveyard full of Serbian vampires, his book is fascinating reading.

Vampires Or Gods?
"The vampire is immortal. The vampire defies death. The vampire can give the gift, or curse, of immortality to other men and women. That is the essence of the vampire 'myth.' ... Perhaps the ancient Gods, including those discussed in this book, were merely exceptionally endowed men and women. Perhaps they lived to be 120 in an age when living to be 40 was unusual. Or perhaps they lived far longer; some may be alive today, two millennia or more after their births."

The People of the Secret
Are biological evolution and human history directed by a hierarchy of Intelligences, the lowest level of which makes physical contact with mankind? Do invisible guardians of this planet "seed" ideas into the earth's culture to prepare human beings for huge steps in their development? The author suggests not only that it may be so, but that it may also be possible to recognize these "People of the Secret."

In The Dark Places Of Wisdom
A set of ancient inscriptions on marble found forty years ago in southern Italy, recording details so bewildering that scholars have kept silent about them ... Strange evidence about a tradition of people who were mystics but who were so intensely practical that, two and a half thousand years ago, they shaped our existence and the world we live in. And yet they did this with a purpose we've completely forgotten ...

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
"When Julian Jaynes...speculates that until late in the second millennium B.C. men had no consciousness but were automatically obeying the voices of gods, we are astounded but compelled to follow this remarkable thesis through all the corroborative evidence..." - John Updike, in The New Yorker

Human Devolution
Forbidden Archeology documented a massive amount of evidence showing that humans have existed on earth for hundreds of millions of years. Such anomalous evidence, contradicting Darwinian evolution, catalyzed a global inquiry, "If we did not evolve from apes, then where did we come from?" Human Devolution is author Michael A. Cremo's definitive answer to this question.

The Lucifer Principle
"You only thought you knew what you were until you read this book. I want to burn it. I wish I had never read it. I wish Howard Bloom had never been born. And it is now my Bible. It is undeniable. It is a force unto itself. Everything you believed before, it will rip from you. It will leave you a boneless jelly of confusion. It will be the voice of a new philosophical generation."

The Ape That Spoke
"This exciting evolutionary odyssey, which was a BOMC and History Book Club selection in cloth, interweaves recent advances in linguistics and anthropology and controversially concludes that imagination and higher emotions are language-driven extensions of the animal mind." -Publisher's Weekly

The Big Bang Never Happened
"In 1991, my book, the Big Bang Never Happened(Vintage), presented evidence that the Big Bang theory was contradicted by observations and that another approach, plasma cosmology, which hypothesized a universe without begin or end, far better explained what we know of the cosmos. The book set off a considerable debate. Since then, observations have only further confirmed these conclusions, although the Big Bang remains by far the most widely accepted theory of cosmology." -Eric J Lerner

The End of Eden: The Comet That Changed Civilization
Presents compelling evidence that civilizations worldwide became warlike and monotheistic after Earth passed through the tail of a comet in 1500 B.C. Explores the violent effect of debris from comet 12P/Pons-Brooks on peaceful cultures such as the Olmec of Mexico and the Megalithic people who built Stonehenge. Shows how this comet’s appearance was taken as a significant religious event that still has repercussions today.

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Within lies fact and fancy, truth and metaphor. Discriminate with care
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